Already Know? The difference in Hardware, Software, and Brainware

The presence of a computer or laptop is indeed a great help for our lives, especially for activities concerned with jobs. The computer can also be used for communication, specific usage in medicine, business, as well as in the field of science. The bottom line the computer has considerable benefits for human survival.
Many mention that the computer can only work if it has the hardware and software components. But not like that, because the computer is still working and still can't operate if no brainwave.
The term "Brainware" itself feels still sounds foreign enough, especially when compared to hardware and software. Because while sitting on the bench of the third component of the school, namely brainware is arguably rare even almost not there explained.
Thus, there are actually three components essential for a productive computer that must be known, i.e. hardware, software, and brainware. The third component of the apparently has the sense and the examples still. And here is the explanation.

Understanding Hardware – what is Hardware?

In short, the hardware or hardware is the physical part is all that exists on the computer, can be seen in visible and capable of being touched physically. The hardware itself is usually used to support the performance of the device to the computer. And there is at least 3 hardware functionality that should be known, among other things:
  •           As the giver of the input data
  •           Serves as a data processor
  •            Hardware also functions as the input of a process Viewer

Examples Of Hardware (Hardware)
There are countless hardware or hardware on the computer whether it is internal or external. Below are some examples of hardware that usually there is always on the computer.
  •           CPU: As data processing unit.
  •           RAM: temporary data storage.
  •           Hard drive: semi-permanent data storage
  •           The Mouse Input Device: Keyboard &, meaning the media commonly used for              entering data and processed by the CPU.
  •           Monitor: the Viewer as a tool of the resulting output of the CPU, usually appears in        the visual form.
  •           Hardware type: Speaker output to display the processed sound CPU.

Understanding Software – what is it Software?

Software or software is commonly referred to as an application program created by developers, i.e., its function to be able to operate or run a command. Indirectly, this software can also say as a device that moves the hardware in order to work properly.
And most likely hardware or hardware also cannot operate to its full potential without the help of software. Therefore the software is very important for computer devices. There are several main functions of the software, as follows:
         The Software can be used as the operating system or support system
  •     The software serves to operate the hardware
  •     The software has the function as the translator of any orders or instructions into the      language of the programmer so it could be accepted by the hardware with good

Example Software
  •           Applications: may be already known and is often used as Word, Excel, Photoshop,          antivirus, etc.
  •           Operating system: the operating system is included as one of the software, e.g.              Windows, Linux, Cisco iOS, and many more.
  •           Developer Tools Software: this Software commonly used the developers to                    develop applications such as Pascal and Java.
  •           Driver Software: its function is to connect the auxiliary hardware with your                      computer. This software is typically used to scan prices at the supermarket.
  •           Firmware: Although there is on the computer, the software is more widely used in          the manufacture of digital watches.
  •           Open Source Software is software with open source, meaning that it can be                    downloaded and modified without violating copyright.
  •           Freeware: The software can be obtained free of charge.
  •           Trialware: Is software created just for a test, or if you want to use it as a whole. You        have to pay.
  •           Malware: software is one type of destroyer, the malware is also classified as a virus.

Understanding Brainware – what that Brainware?

If the hardware and software is a component of the device on the computer, then controlling the brainware component devices in your computer. In a nutshell, is the man who controls the brainware computer. Although equipped with sophisticated hardware and software, your computer would have been still could not operate without the presence of brainware. The point is someone who operates or manage the system in a computer is called brainware.

Examples Of Brainware :
  •           User/Operator: i.e. is the person who has the task of operating the computer.
  •            Administrator: is one example of brainware, because usually, the camp set up a              working system, sequence, and the management of data as output.
  •            Programmer: a person who makes an application as a software program can be            referred to as brainware.
  •            Systems Analysts: that people commonly make blueprint (blueprint) a global                  scheme to do program system programmer.
  •           Technician: a person who works to conduct maintenance and repair of computers.

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